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Wednesday 25 November 2015

Setup SVN Server for windows

In this blog post we are discussing how to setup SVN server on windows. SVN Server is used to create a repository of your code. Which is used to track changes files or code. Web Developers are using SVN to track their code changes & preserve logs.
Step 1 
Download Visual SVN from url

Step 2
SVN installation is simple and follow simple steps to get it installed into your system. Install both server and Management Console components.

Step 3 
Create SVN user and group

Create a new user typing username & password.
Similarly we can create Groups where multiple users can list. 
Create a new Group name & add users in popup window.
Step 4
Create New Repository

Click on new repository button Select regular FSFS repository or Distributed repository.

Write Repository name 
Next select option Empty repository or single-project repository.
If you select single-project repository it will create trunk, branches, tags folder in project
Let's discuss what are they.
Trunk would be the main body of development, originating from the start of the project until the present.

Branch will be a copy of code derived from a certain point in the trunk that is used for applying major changes to the code while preserving the integrity of the code in the trunk. If the major changes work according to plan, they are usually merged back into the trunk.

Tag will be a point in time on the trunk or a branch that you wish to preserve. The two main reasons for preservation would be that either this is a major release of the software, whether alpha, beta, RC or RTM, or this is the most stable point of the software before major revisions on the trunk were applied.

Actually, these are the Branches of a repository which you can manage your own way. I will suggest you to take empty repository if any confusion is there.


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